Let's walk your path together for a while.

Hello, I am Sara Hoolachan...
...... empathic path companion, passionate HR Organizational & Talent Development Manager and inspiring source of inspiration.
My passion is the development of people, teams and organisations. As a business coach, I passionately support people in recognising, developing and successfully using their potential. Step by step I accompany people on their individual development path.
I am passionate about giving impulses that trigger change and promote personal growth. I help people to take on challenges, create clarity, make decisions, work out solutions, release beliefs and blockages, improve communication and cooperation and achieve goals.
- My Matter of the Heart
Personality development is a matter close to my heart and runs through my professional and private life. I am enthusiastic about giving impulses to trigger change, to promote personal growth and then to celebrate the development progress and successes together. It is important to me to be effective with my work and to create added value.
- Lifelong Learner
As a lifelong learner I am inquisitive and continuously working on my personal development. Professionalism and quality in coaching are of particular importance to me in order to achieve effective and sustainable change. Therefore, I am a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and commit myself to the professional ethical guidelines and standards of the ICF. Furthermore, as a member of the CoachCommunity, I regularly participate in coaching trainings. With the help of mentor coaching and supervision, I ensure the quality of my work.
- My Experience
My many years of experience in internationally active corporations in the areas of personnel and organisational development, training management, HR business partner, leadership and team development, change management and the support and implementation of transformation processes help me to understand the context in which my coachees operate. If desired, I bring my experience into the coaching process.
- My Roots
I owe my language talent and my intercultural competence to my parents. As a true European, I grew up speaking 3 languages (German, Italian and Dutch) and was able to learn other languages through play. I have always had a flair for communication and quickly learned that communication plays a crucial role in different cultures and situations. Empathic listening is not only a key factor in a business context, but also helps me in my family life, e.g. in my daily communication with my children. Those around me describe me as empathic, encouraging, motivating, reflective, thirsty for knowledge, solution-oriented, structured, curious, spontaneous and keen to travel.
Where your will is, there is also your way.
Sara Hoolachan
- My Understanding of Coaching
For me, coaching is first and foremost an inner attitude that is characterised by goodwill, appreciation and presence for other people. Based on this attitude, I am able to create a trusting framework for a solution-oriented and open-ended accompaniment of the coachees and to support them in achieving their goals.
In goal-oriented conversations, I as a coach use scientifically sound, practically relevant methods and conversation techniques. Basically, the coachee is the expert for his/her life and issues and knows best what is good for him/her. In coaching, the coachee develops new insights, individual solutions and concrete possibilities for action in the joint interaction.
- My Toolbox
During business coaching sessions I use the following different approaches with the focus on offering the coachee or the team methods that can best contribute to the achievement of goals:
Nonviolent Communication according to Marshall Rosenberg (GFK), Transactional Analysis (TA), approaches from Systemic Therapy, NLP, Belief Set Work, The Work of Byron Katie, The Wholeness Work according to Connirae Andreas, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Shadow Work, Bottleneck concentrated Strategy (EKS), Methods for Stress and Anger Transformation, Clean Language, Inner Child Work.